Everyone is in a race to provide the fastest information to them targets directly and to make effective
promotions. Social media instruments have made it easier to serve everyone all across the globe as well
as to carry out purchase/sale transactions.
There are large groups of foreign potential clients/patients/buyer/seller reaching hundreds of millions of
people who want to know/purchase/sale your Products and services.
First of all, directing these potential clients in to you and providing information to them in their own
languages will give you important opportunities.
The availability of the clients’ own languages will show your respect towards them and improves their
trust in your brand. By setting up a global information line target persons or institutions should be able
to call in twenty-four hours a day to hear recorded messages on main work topics from any language.
Hundreds of millions of people in every country speak languages other than English, and the demand for
qualified medical translators is more than ever.
Can you hire minimum 20 customer services representatives each speaking a different language?
Do your employees communicate effectively and confidently enough with foreigner colleagues and
customers in this highly-competitive, globalized marketplace?
You need a partner that specializes in understanding and solving the language and cultural challenges of
both native and non-native
Our partner/services provider group for almost 80 years American Global Translation company has been
meeting the communication challenges of a changing world.
Global Translator Services offers the following complete solutions for language access to all Healthcare
Organizations. Will be to seamlessly connect Patients with Limited English Proficiency with medical
translators, quickly and securely.