- “Investor ConnectUS” Line for Contacting Investors
Register the information of your financial enterprise, your website that introduces your investment products, the links for your website and exchange screen links, direct contact numbers for your experts that may provide information and your trial investment fund link.
Only sponsors are directed to investors. Sponsorship plans are as follows.
International teleconference and translator use quotas for;
Annual-17000 minutes, 6 Monthly - 8700 minutes, Quarterly -3500 minutes. (Connect time, no answer, busy, not connected, etc. There is no charge for and unused minutes go to the next billing cycle)
+ Web, Exchange Screen, Logo advertisements + SEO services + 24/7 chat system installation and applications at the first and highest level + telephone calls with 3 experts.
International teleconference and translator use quotas for;
Annual-10.000 minutes, 6 Monthly - 5.000 minutes, Quarterly - 2500 minutes…
+ Web, Exchange Screen, Logo advertisements + SEO services + 24/7 chat system installation and applications at the first and highest level + telephone calls with 2 experts.
International teleconference and translator use quotas for;
Annual-6.000 minutes, 6 Monthly - 3.000 minutes, Quarterly - 1500 minutes
+ Web, Exchange Screen, Logo advertisements + SEO services + 7/24 chat system installation and applications at the first and highest level + telephone calls with 1 experts .
International teleconference and translator use quotas for 600 - 300- 120 minutes + Web advertisements + telephone calls with 1 experts .
See detail Contact